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Writer's picture: David A. ButlerDavid A. Butler

Updated: Sep 28, 2019

There….I said it. You have probably heard that before when it comes to #businessimprovement books. Most of them are just as dull and boring as self-help books. Truthfully, there isn’t much of a difference. But, then again, occasionally one comes along that is different; fun to read and has a lot of value that can positively change the culture of your business.

Why is “#ConqueringtheGenerationalChallenge” different?

First off, it’s a storybook.

Storybooks are fun. We have loved them since we were little kids. Stories have been the root of learning since the beginning of time. Myths, parables, legends, fables…they have all been used by great storytellers to pass learning on to others. Stories provide a medium that is easily understandable and has great impact points. Remember seeing pictures of prehistoric cave drawings? They are usually a stick figure of a person holding a spear and chasing a wooly mammoth or some other long-gone creature. Picture the hunter standing in front of his artwork as the rest of his clan sit before the fire with their chins on their fists. Picture his animation as he teaches them the tricks he used to down the great beast.

“Stories work. Little did the hunter realize that as he drew the crude drawing to help explain his skill that he had just invented PowerPoint.”

Second, the book is a strange meeting of two complimentary minds.

When I first had the idea to create “Conquering the Generational Challenge”, my first thought was that I needed to write it with Keith. The first time I talked to him about this subject matter, he laughed at me and said, “Good luck with that”. But after many talks about the need to focus on the “#inclusion” instead of the “#diversity”, he was hooked. If a psychologist could excited about bringing generations together, it must have value. Now he (just like me) would rather get in front of audiences to share how to create a harmonious and #productiveworkplace more than just about anything.

Third, the things in this book really work.

They aren’t some made-up business voodoo. All of the applications have been proven in businesses across the country. All of the people you will come to know in part one have historically accurate scenarios that have shaped their thinking, decision making, and thought processes.

All of the #generationaldysfunctions in part two are based on real #business situations that have been shared by those we interviewed. All of the solutions can be easily implemented in just about any business.

We aren’t trying to sell you a high cost package to try and change your world. We are simply giving you things that you can use with little to no cost in your world; whether that is a business, an organization, or even in your family.”

Buy the book.

Read it.

If you don’t think its “on point” let me know and I’ll buy you lunch the next time you are in Franklin.

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